For many living in the west, their presence on the western side of the country is a compliment to their ancestors who left the east between 1848 and 1860 to find their fortune in the gold fields along the 220 miles in Central California. This presentation will focus on the how and why of this particular migration and will include some of the stories and a few songs that were common at that time period and in that region. Some information about researching the miners and others who came west to profit from the event will also be included. Come learn a little about California history!
I am also pleased that the Genealogical Speakers Guild is sponsoring my lecture on “Visual Aids: Enhancement to the Presentation, NOT Show & Tell,” Saturday, 2:30 p.m., S448. Designed for genealogy lecturers, this program is good for those who give all types of presentations. I am drawing on thirteen years as a public speaking professor (Masters degree in speech communication) to help people feel more confident in their use of presentation aids (primarily, but not limited to, PowerPoint). Whether you currently lecture or are interested in getting involved in this activity, there is likely to be something helpful in this program.
I can be contacted through my website:
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